
#District Heating


Sarajevo to introduce heat pumps in district heating system

To resolve the big issue of air pollution due to the firewood and coal heating in houses and the use of natural gas and heavy (...)


Discover newsletter #10 of D2Grids project!

In this newsletter, we invite you to discover the extension of the D2GRIDS project, the news and events of the sector, and (...)


Data centers, the new way of heating districts?

Data centers can replace existing heating plants in a district heating system if the right cooling technology is used (liquid (...)


5th generation District Heating and Cooling: a new tool to help you initiate your project

The EU strategy on heating & cooling aims to reduce the thermal energy demand as well as increase the share of renewable (...)


District heating and cooling helping cities reach their climate and energy goals: Results of the EU level survey

Stakeholder survey ‘Urban Heating and Cooling Transition’ was launched in January 2022. Its results were presented and discus (...)


5th Generation for Heating and Cooling grids: new pilot site integrated into D2GRIDS Project, Plymouth City Council

Plymouth City Council is joining the European project D2GRIDS! This Interreg NWE project aims to develop 5th generation (...)


[Webinar series] Operationalising the Energy Efficiency First principle: insights into 3 modelling case studies

Efficiency First is the fundamental principle applied to policymaking, planning and investment in the energy sector, around (...)


BECoop technical, business and financial reports and factsheets for (bio)energy community stakeholders

BECoop reports and factsheets present bioenergy heating technologies as well as business and financial aspects, guiding the (...)


Discover newsletter #9 of D2GRIDS project!

In this newsletter, we invite you to discover the extension of the D2GRIDS project, the news and events of the sector, and (...)


[D2Grids] The newsletter #7 of the D2Grids project is out !

In this newsletter, we invite you to discover the extension of the D2GRIDS project, the news and events of the sector, and (...)


Implementation map on barriers and success factors for E1st in buildings

The research in this report by ENEFIRST builds on the report ‘Priority areas for implementing Efficiency First’ which identif (...)


REWARDHeat DHC Investor workshop

The REWARDHeat DHC Investor workshop will take place on 24th June from 10:30-12:00 CET. The event focuses on potential invest (...)


A “Fit for 55 Package” under the EU Green Deal: an opportunity for DHC

As announced in its work programme for 2021, published at the end of last year, the European Commission has started working (...)


How to utilize district heating for cooling in a smart way

Fig. 1: The newly built office building at Berlin-Postbahnhof serves as a demonstration site for a cooling concept, which (...)


What do green and digital have in common? – Waste heat!

These two words have been coupled a lot to talk about the transition to sustainable societies with the EU Green Deal or in (...)
