
A new nest for more cohabitation with the living - Watch the video of the urban development zone of the Niche aux Oiseaux

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C21 France La rédaction

829 Last modified by the author on 19/12/2023 - 10:30
A new nest for more cohabitation with the living - Watch the video of the urban development zone of the Niche aux Oiseaux

Discover in video the international winner of the New District Grand Prize at the Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023. A successful example located in a rural municipality in France!

This eco-district in the urban development zone of the Niche aux Oiseaux shows us how to strike a balance between the need for densification and the desire to preserve the existing environment. It was clear that the environment should not be damaged, and nature should be protected. A partnership was established with the League for the Protection of Birds, integrated from the very conception of the new district. In a holistic vision, interesting work has also been carried out on public spaces, between buildings and roadways, and on energy efficiency. The contribution of wooden prefabrication is appreciated. A project that feels good!

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