
6 Reasons why you should Track your Energy Efficiency Projects

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Cristina Teba

Inbound Manager

2343 Last modified by the author on 22/11/2021 - 12:40
6 Reasons why you should Track your Energy Efficiency Projects


In this article, you will read a story that you may be familiar with if you work as a “Head of Maintenance and Energy Management Department”, or similar.

Below, you will find the arguments you need to explain the importance of continuous tracking of your energy efficiency projects.

You have been invited to an important meeting as head of energy, where the company’s CEO and CFO have set a target to reduce the company’s cost items. 

Amongst all the items, energy is one of the most significant. So, it is clear that you must improve the level of energy efficiency and lower the energy consumption of the facilities in order to meet the targets that have been set. 

You know that in this way you will be able to reduce the part of the costs your department is responsible for, as well as contributing to other sustainability objectives such as the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

So, the first thing you do is carry out an energy audit, on which you will base your energy efficiency project. 

In the project, you will include information such as: 

  • The data from the energy audit
  • Which buildings and facilities you need to take action on
  • A list of actions to be taken to start saving energy and costs
  • Targets to be achieved with these measures within a set time frame
  • What investment these actions will entail
  • What is the expected ROI of the project?
  • Etc

Directors review it and give the go-ahead for the project to start as soon as possible. So, you and your team get down to work and get the project underway. 

But an energy efficiency project is not just a matter of launching it, leaving it running and waiting for results at the end of the deadline. From start to finish, you need to monitor the project, and here are 6 reasons why this part of the management job is essential.

6 Reasons Why Tracking Your Energy Efficiency Project is Key

Although some of the reasons below may seem obvious to you, many professionals do not take them into account during the project. As a result, they fail to achieve their goals.

So why is it so important to regularly track your energy efficiency projects? Mainly because with the information you will obtain during energy monitoring, you will be able to:

1. Knowing the real energy savings at different times of the project

Imagine that in your planning you have established a monthly review of the company’s energy consumption by building or installation. To carry out this task of measuring and verifying the savings obtained, one of the most widely used protocols among energy professionals is the IPMVP protocol.

You want to know the other 5 reasons to monitor your energy efficiency project? Continue reading our article HERE.

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