
#Smart city


Launching 100 lighthouse districts – European Affordable Housing Consortium Final Conference, 21st February in Brussels

The European Affordable Housing Consortium has concluded its initial phase by reconciling the need for affordable housing (...)


Zaragoza – a frontrunner in the fair, green and digital transition

Zaragoza ranks among the First European Cities to Receive the EU Mission Label for their commitment to reach Climate Neutrali (...)


Bonus newsletter of D2Grids project: last but not least!

As D2Grids project ends, the achievements and lessons learned through the whole project will continue to guide the evolution (...)


D2Grids workshop in Glasgow: 5GDHC, solar integration, and grid engagement!

D2Grids project, the pioneering initiative focused on advancing 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) networks (...)


Transforming Urban Sustainability: new study reveals cities’ crucial contribution to meeting decarbonisation goals

New research on ScienceDirect sheds light on cities' key role in combating climate change and aligning local energy plans (...)


The 18th Global Forum on Human Settlements is to be held in Dubai

On an urban planet, the global population has reached 8 billion, with 4.5 billion living in urban areas; cities are the engin (...)


Exploring energy integration: the 5GDHC industrial alliance webinar!

Save the date! On September 20th, between 11:00 and 12:30 UTC+2, The 5GDHC Industrial Alliance is set to hosting a  webinar d (...)


Germany aims to connect 100,000 buildings to district heating every year

The high-profile political spat over the end of fossil fuel boilers in Germany may benefit demand for connections to city (...)


Tutorial to incorporate renewable electricity into heating and cooling grids!

District heating and cooling grids are key to tackle energy transition, being 69% green on average. To improve this percenta (...)


Exploring new smart building technologies with the BuildON project

The new European-funded project BuildON is set to help decarbonise and digitalise energy management systems. Last May, the (...)


Flexibility, key to the Paris-Saclay heating and cooling grid!

As one of the five pilot sites of the D2Grids project, Paris Saclay aims to enhance its energy efficiency and reduce greenhou (...)


5GDHC in practice: recovering heat from abandoned mines

Bochum and Heerlen are two cities using abandoned coal mines to implement fifth-generation district heating and cooling grids (...)


Getting involved in 5th generation district heating and cooling grids: the toolbox!

The D2Grids project has put together a toolkit to help understand everything about heating and cooling grids, in particular (...)


How heating and cooling grids in Europe help strengthening the EU environmental strategy?

On April 19, the day dedicated to heating and cooling networks was held, and the morning was focused on D2Grids project. (...)


Bochum pilot site: 5th generation heating and cooling grid in practice!

Mark 51°7 is a 70-hectare area located in the city of Bochum in Germany. It has undergone several transformations over the (...)
