
SEAF Milan Investor Forum

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SEAF Milan Investor Forum

The SEAF Investor Forum represents the development of a community of ESCOs and investors dedicated to making energy efficiency the new normal across Europe. The Forum will encourage interactive discussion on key issues surrounding investment in energy efficiency projects, including an assessment of available financing options and terms and concepts that facilitate ESCO-investor communication. Within this context, the SEAF IT Platform, which values and matches projects to finance, will be unveiled as a market ready solution to bridge the finance gap in the energy efficiency industry.

Presenters will include: EEEFASSOESCoJoule AssetsServizi Energia AmbienteSI CapitalSUMA CapitalSUSI PartnersAdaxia Capital Partners, and more! Click here to see a draft agenda.

Palazza Giureconsulti Piazza dei Mercanti 2 Milan, Milan 20123 Italy
03/03 - 03/03/2017
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