
CABR launches the Construction21 China platform

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CABR launches the Construction21 China platform

On March 23, 2017, the Construction21 China Platform was launched by the China Academy of Building Research (CABR).

President Jun Wang, vice-president Qingqin Wang and other leaders of CABR, Jean Le Pavec , energy, environment, transportation and construction counsellor at French embassy, Christian Brodhag, chairman of Construction21 AISBL, Bruno Mesureur, director of  standardization, marketing and international affairs of CSTB, representatives of Construction21(China) juries, Chinese Associations, Chinese enterprises and French enterprises attended the Kick-off Meeting. President Jun Wang, Vice-President Qingqin Wang, Mr. Jean Le Pavec, and Chairman Christian Brodhag together announced the formal operation of Construction21 (China) and witnessed the launching moment of Chinese website.

Jun Wang, president of CABR pointed out that the Chinese government actively advocates and promotes green, healthy and sustainable development of buildings. In this situation, project practices, standard system, scientific research of green buildings, healthy buildings, ultra-low energy  buildings and green eco-cities have achieved remarkable success. As the largest comprehensive research and development institution in the building industry of China, CABR is leading the development of building and city and actively revitalizes international exchange and cooperation which are expected to disseminate experiences and achievements from Chinese green development. Construction21 is an open international platform which is committed to sustainable development, and CABR holds the same value in green development concept and international development. In terms of the development of Construction21 (China), president Jun Wang putted forward three suggestions:

  • Firstly, to speed up the building of China's platform.
  • Secondly, to take full advantage of CABR by integrating its industrial resources in order to make China platform a new media for Chinese building technology, best practices and products. Through which a better understanding of new trend in building sector in the world will be obtained.
  • Thirdly, to strengthen communication and cooperation with Construction21 International, all national platforms and foreign companies in order to accelerate green, healthy and sustainable transition and contribute to fighting against climate change.  

Wang Qingqin, vice president of CABR introduced the achievements in the field of building sustainable development in China, the outstanding advantages of CABR as operator of Construction21 (China), and expectations to Construction21 (China) from the perspective of industrial development and influences:

  • Step out. Transmit mature modes, advanced technology, products and valuable experience to other corner of the world and make China to be understandable.
  • Embrace new. Learn lessons and developed technologies of green building and healthy building while consider Chinese condition to encourage sustainable development in building sector of China.
  • Raise influences. Raise enterprises’ influences and national influences through international sharing of best solutions based on the platform.
  • Build bridges. Make the international platform as a tie and integrate the industrial resources in order to build an informational, technical and commercial bridges for fundamental international exchanges and cooperation between bilateral enterprises.

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