

Investing energy in indoor air quality

Work to control energy consumption is making buildings more airtight. Yet indoor air can contain pollutants that can affect (...)


Powering the future : How we can reimagine our energy system

Join us for our ManagEnergy Talk featuring Clover Hogan, renowned climate activist and Executive Director of Force of Nature (...)


The European Parliament votes for net zero-emission buildings from 2030

MEPs adopted with a large majority the plans agreed with the Council to help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (...)


Call for presentation of Innovative, Energy-Efficient and Zero Carbon Building Solutions (presentation to the Turkish construction Sector)

Background: The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement (AFD)) and VakıfBank have partnered to foster (...)


Launching 100 lighthouse districts – European Affordable Housing Consortium Final Conference, 21st February in Brussels

The European Affordable Housing Consortium has concluded its initial phase by reconciling the need for affordable housing (...)


Denmark's energy policy : built on renewables, driven by wind

For almost fifty years, Denmark has been pursuing a policy of energy transition, with the aim of becoming totally independent (...)


2024, year of renewables in Europe?

Renewable resources occupy a growing share of the European energy mix, but unequally depending on the nation. Overview, in (...)


Decarbonisation of buildings' heating system with heat pump technologies: an overview of EU policies, projects, and implementation

As the European Union strives to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, heat pumps have emerged as key player (...)


The right material at the right place - Watch the video of CBlue

Watch the video of the Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023 international winner of the New Construction Grand Prize.  This proje (...)


End clap for COP28, and for fossil fuels?

On the morning of Wednesday December 13, all COP28 member countries agreed to move towards a "transition away from fossil (...)


Priority investments to REPower your territory: Feedback from accelerators 

ManagEnergy initiative is delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar "Priority investments to REPower your territory (...)


Webinar: Building Renovation at District Level: Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources

On Tuesday 10th October, BUILD UP had the pleasure of hosting a webinar co-organised by IEA EBC Annex 75 and BUILD UP, entitl (...)


World Sustainable Energy Days 2024

Energy transition now – fast, smart, resilient! No time like now for the energy transition! Price fluctuations, geopolitical (...)


Transposing and implementing the EPBD recast: next generation Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

Within the EU’s evolving policy framework, the focus sharpens on creating a green and digitally advanced European building (...)


Advancing Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods in Europe: Drivers, barriers & policy recommendations

Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods (SPENs) have strong potential to decarbonising the building stock, while providing (...)