
Conservative restoration project of the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Nice

Last modified by the author on 22/02/2019 - 17:59

Heritage renovation

  • Building Type : Other building
  • Construction Year : 1912
  • Delivery year : 2016
  • Address 1 - street : Avenue Nicolas II 06000 NIZZA, Francia
  • Climate zone : [Csa] Interior Mediterranean - Mild with dry, hot summer.

  • Net Floor Area : 1 500 m2
  • Construction/refurbishment cost : 1 €
  • Number of none : 1 none
  • Cost/m2 : 0 €/m2
  • Primary energy need
    (Calculation method : )
Energy consumption
Economical buildingBuilding
< 50A
51 à 90B
91 à 150C
151 à 230D
231 à 330E
331 à 450F
> 450G
Energy-intensive building
​The St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, Nice (French: Cathédrale Orthodoxe Saint-Nicolas de Nice, Russian: Николаевский собор, Ницца) is an Eastern Orthodox cathedral located in the French city of Nice. Property of the Russian Federation, it is recognized as a national monument of France, and it currently belongs to the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate. It is the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Western Europe. (Wikipedia)

Data reliability




Construction Manager




    Lino Barone


Contracting method

Other methods

Owner approach of sustainability

The badigeon was the material chosen primarily to reflect what was tradition at the time of the construction of the Cathedral (early 20th century) but also for the need to have a product with great breathability: again due to humidity, it was necessary a breathable material, also to avoid the formation of molds and detachments.

Architectural description

Russian Orthodox Cathedral


    • Others
    • Other hot water system
    • Others
    • Natural ventilation
    • Solar Thermal



    Morandi Bortot

    [email protected]


    Badigeon with slaked lime is a natural decorative paint based on slaked lime, for interiors. Available in "pastel" colors (shades of yellow, pink, green, hazelnut), obtained with the use of natural earths.

    BADIGEON is used as a decorative interior paint.
    In the case of restoration interventions, the causes of the existing degradation must always be assessed in advance before intervening to avoid the recurrence of problems previously encountered; in particular, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce the phenomena of humidity due to capillary rising, the possible presence of salts and the phenomena that may occur on external facades due to poor protection from atmospheric agents.

    Thanks to its naturalness, it is a product that is attentive to the health and safeguarding of the individual and the environment.

    • Vases of 18 kg approx.
    With BADIGEON there is no guarantee of a completely uniform coloring, typical of acrylic paints, since the characteristic of lime-based products is to take on slight chromatic variations, determined mainly by the different drying conditions of the product.

Urban environment

Environmentally integrated design in the urban context of Nice.

Reasons for participating in the competition(s)

La Cattedrale Ortodossa di San Nicola a Nizza rappresenta la più grande chiesa ortodossa europea al di fuori dei confini della Russia: considerata uno dei “gioielli” dell’arte russa, la Cattedrale è uno scrigno di bellezze incomparabili, ulteriormente valorizzate dal progetto di restauro conservativo portato a termine agli inizi del 2016, dopo circa due anni di cantiere.<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;">

Nell’affrontare gli interventi di restauro della Cattedrale, grazie alla ricchezza e alla molteplicità dei materiali e delle tecniche presenti, è stato creato un percorso progettuale e operativo impegnativo che ha visto l’apporto interdisciplinare di architetti, storici, restauratori, geologi e chimici italiani e francesi.<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;">

Questo importante progetto di restauro conservativo è stato studiato applicando metodologie e materiali italiani contestualizzati al costruito esistente, mantenendo la tradizione italiana della conservazione e del restauro attraverso la ricerca delle caratteristiche di qualità che ha permesso di creare percorsi mirati.<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;">

<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;"> 

Morandi Bortot, azienda presente sul mercato da oltre un secolo, è una delle realta? tra le piu? influenti nel mondo della calce naturale: nel progetto di restauro conservativo della Cattedrale di San Nicola di Nizza, l’azienda trevigiana si è occupata della fornitura del materiale per alcuni degli interventi di restauro.<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;">

Un segno della visione responsabile dell’azienda lo ritroviamo anche nelle scelte che hanno mantenuto un basso impatto ambientale dei sistemi produttivi, in linea con la totale naturalita? del prodotto ottenuto.

Building candidate in the category

Energy & Temperate Climates

Energy & Temperate Climates

Green Solutions Awards 2019 - Buildings

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Green Solutions Awards 2019 - Buildings