
The BRICKER consortium convenes in Liège

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750 Last modified by the author on 17/11/2015 - 12:14
The BRICKER consortium convenes in Liège

Beyond the overview of work packages, the three-day gathering featured the project’s 3rd exploitation workshop, the content of which was put together by the newly established exploitation board (with ACCIONA, STEINBEIS and TECNALIA ). One of the main aims at this stage of the project was to identify technology combinations that could be exploited as a joint product among various partners, and those methodologies developed under BRICKER that could be brought to market as a BRICKER service. The workshop also took things from the market standpoint by getting partners to think about customer segments for exploitable results and key value propositions with a roadmap to define.

The lengthy procurement rounds are still ongoing in some areas although now many of the interventions are underway. The ventilated façades are complete and ready for shipment to the Turkish demo and the aerating systems to be used in Liège have been tested and validated with a prototype installed. Delegates were able to see first-hand the advancement of the works at the Institut Supérieur Industriel Liégeois (ISIL), the Belgian demo site, along with the area which has been cleared for the biomass storage and the dry-cooler.

Although only half-way through the project, it is necessary plan outreach activities over the next two years in order to ensure maximum replicability. This includes joint initiatives with fellow projects A2PBEER and RESSEEPE using major events such as Sustainable Places, the last edition of which has recently taken place in Italy. At this event the two fellow projects and BRICKER co-hosted a workshop entitled Innovation Retrofitting Activities. It delivered their combined insights on energy reduction, retrofitting solutions, and affordability in public buildings since the projects are all from the same project call ‘integration of technologies for energy-efficient solutions in the renovation of public buildings’.

Another item for consideration during the meeting was the need to place greater emphasis on end-users and citizens, with partners being asked to provide information not just about their industry stakeholders but also citizen initiatives and community interest groups dealing with climate change and sustainability.

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