
Technical Article - DecarbonAIte: advancing sustainable building renovation in Sweden through AI

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Emily Coe-Björsell

1358 Last modified by the author on 07/06/2023 - 15:14
Technical Article - DecarbonAIte: advancing sustainable building renovation in Sweden through AI


The DecarbonAlte project proposes a simplified, parametric method using Artificial Intelligence to support decision-making in sustainable building renovation looking at the energy efficiency, life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and life cycle costs.

The building sector is responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with the residential sector being the second largest contributor to final energy consumption in the European Union after the transport sector. The EU has set goals to reduce GHG emissions by 20% in 2020, by 40% in 2030, and by 80-95% in 2050. Sweden also has ambitious targets for energy and GHG reductions, with a goal of zero net emissions by 2045. Despite being a role-model in tackling climate change, Sweden’s building sector has a lower energy index than the EU average, and a large number of buildings need renovation.

Read full article on BUILD UP!



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