
#Zero carbon


Call for presentation of Innovative, Energy-Efficient and Zero Carbon Building Solutions (presentation to the Turkish construction Sector)

Background: The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement (AFD)) and VakıfBank have partnered to foster (...)


The importance of reducing on-site pollutant emissions in construction

Air pollution has been identified as the single largest environmental health risk in Europe. Exposure to even low levels (...)


4 ways to ensure energy efficiency in data centers

Energy security refers to uninterrupted accessibility to reliable, continuous, and affordable energy supplies. This article (...)


[Podcast] The second mover advantage manifest: talking to Paul Steely White of LINK/SuperPedestrian

Today Oliver interviews Paul Steely White, head of Policy at Link by Superpedestrian. We had Assaf Bidermaan, the CEO of (...)


Towards zero energy buildings in Europe: LowUP Final Conference

LowUP is a European Union project aiming at developing and demonstrating cutting-edge solutions for net-zero energy build (...)


Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Universities

The third in a four-part mini-series of interactive online events for local authorities, educational institutions and others (...)


Anatomy of a Sustainable City

Imagine a city with more walkers and bikers than cars, where buildings are all run off of solar power and designed with livin (...)


23rd In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce 2019

Un­der the theme Pass­ive House world­wide this years in­ter­na­tion­al Pas­sice House con­fer­en­ce is tak­ing place in (...)


UK Green Building Council presents industry framework for net zero carbon buildings

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has unveiled a framework for the UK construction and property industry to transition (...)


3CEA: 5th Expert Mission of the ManagEnergy Programme in Ireland

3CEA is delighted to have been selected for the EU Expert Mission as part of the EU funded ManagEnergy Programme. Christiane (...)


What if building insulation materials were heavily carbon negative, economically viable, in abundant supply and recyclable?

According to the International Energy Association’s (IEA) 2014 report, buildings consume more than one third of the energy (...)
