
#CUBE 2020


CUBE 2020 first summer’s rankings : contest’s effectiveness is confirmed

As the “Tour de France” pack of cyclists just biked the first kilometres of the race, here is a first picture of the 236 (...)


Energy savings: 236 buildings aim for the best progression by 2020

As the 2020 milestone for both EU and French domestic climate and energy goals approaches, the energy savings contest CUBE (...)


How to mobilise the occupant? The sense of control

The sociological feedback from the survey “Sociocube”, a study led on the 1st edition of the CUBE 2020 contest (a one-year (...)


38,5% of energy savings in CUBE 2020? It's possible

The building Quai Vendeuvre won the grand prize of the energy savings contest CUBE 2020 in 2016. While the 3rd edition of (...)


For its third edition, CUBE 2020 scales up to European countries

Following the successful participation of two Belgian candidates (Dupuis Publishers and TPALM, both medalist) in its 2nd edit (...)
