

Investing energy in indoor air quality

Work to control energy consumption is making buildings more airtight. Yet indoor air can contain pollutants that can affect (...)


Rural Revival: Empowered Communities and Sustainable Energy in a Changing Climate

​In the latest European Commission’ recommendations, energy poverty is defined as a situation in which households are unable (...)


iEPB launches a comprehensive survey on energy certifications on buildings: understanding needs and constraints

The iEPB project team is glad to announce the launch of a comprehensive survey aimed at enhancing stakeholder engagement (...)


The tool is cool: instruments and solutions for effective energy and climate planning – EU online roundtable

Cities are the main contributors to pollution and climate change, but they have also the potential of becoming a real driving (...)


2024, year of renewables in Europe?

Renewable resources occupy a growing share of the European energy mix, but unequally depending on the nation. Overview, in (...)


Tackling Energy Poverty In Europe: Time To Renovate Buildings!

In 2023, 41 million EU citizens (9.3% of the population) couldn’t afford proper heating due to a cost-of-living crisis and (...)


A Closer Look into SUPER-i & SUPERSHINE : Get to know the impact better

SUPER-i and SUPERSHINE projects charted new frontiers in sustainable urban development. From co-creation workshops to policy (...)


Taking the environment into account when renovating in town centres - Watch the video of the Shanghai Landsea Green Centre

Watch the video of the international winner of the Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023 Renovation Grand Prize. This project (...)


End clap for COP28, and for fossil fuels?

On the morning of Wednesday December 13, all COP28 member countries agreed to move towards a "transition away from fossil (...)


Priority investments to REPower your territory: Feedback from accelerators 

ManagEnergy initiative is delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar "Priority investments to REPower your territory (...)


Make Energy Efficiency Visible in the Energy Mix

A new study by IEECP, “Make Energy Efficiency Visible in the Energy Mix”, outlines the need for energy efficiency to be fully (...)


Enlit Europe 2023

From source to generation, from grid to consumer, the boundaries of the sector are blurring and this evolution is being shape (...)


Policy roundtable – Make Energy Efficiency visible in the Energy Mix

Together, let’s bring visibility to the crucial first fuel our energy systems need – energy efficiency! Figures that show (...)


The Green Solutions Awards 2022-2023 international ceremony will take place on December 5 during COP28 – Register!

It's official: on December 5, the whole world will discover the international winners of the Green Solutions Awards 2022 (...)


Pascal Torres: “Predictive maintenance is the best option to achieve a high level of building performance”

Pascal Torres, CEO and co-founder of the French branch of R2M Solution. Pascal TORRES studied General Technical Engineering (...)