L'achat public d'innovation pour l'efficacité énergétique - événement en anglais

Rédigé par

Anne-Claire Gislard

International Affairs | Marketing Project Officer

2171 Dernière modification le 15/01/2018 - 09:57
L'achat public d'innovation pour l'efficacité énergétique - événement en anglais

Le CSTB est impliqué dans un projet européen Prominent MED qui vise à promouvoir l'achat public d'innovation pour l'efficacité énergétique auprès des petites collectivités.

Une conférence aura lieu à Paris le 18 janvier, en anglais. Il est encore possible de s'inscrire !

MED PPI Network Launch Workshop

International Working Session

18 January 2018


CSTB - 4 avenue du Recteur Poincaré - 75016 Paris

PROMINENT MED (Public pROcureMent of INnovation boosting greEN growTh in MED area)

Prominent MED focused on the use of Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) to stimulate the adoption of innovative products and services which can improve the quality of the services for citizens. It will apply PPI of innovative energy efficient materials and processes for public building energy refurbishment.

The aim is to improve the quality of services and activate a market demand triggering industry to scale up its production chain to bring products on the market with desired quality/price ratio within a specific time.

PROMINENT MED is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

PPI Experience Exchange and Networking

The MED PPI Network aims to bring together all actors with an interest in innovation procurement including local authorities, public bodies, SMEs, experts and academia “to enhance understanding and capability, build collaborative partnerships and support the wider uptake of pro-innovation approaches to public procurement in the MED region and beyond”.

This Peer Learning Workshop provides an opportunity to share your experience and learning in innovation procurement and be inspired and encouraged by the innovation procurement growing network.

Project partners

CIMBAL (Comunidade Intermunicipal do Baixo Alentejo), Comune di Narni, Consorci de la Ribera, CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment), Grad Koprivnica, IrRADIARE Science for evolution, Regionalna energetska agencija Sjever, Sviluppumbria (Societa Regionale per lo sviluppo economico dell Umbria), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


09.30     Registration and coffee

10.00     Introduction to the Med PPI Network – Frédéric BOUGRAIN, CSTB

10.15     Innovation Procurement - What, why and how? - Gaynor WHYLES, Director, JERA         CONSULTING

10.45     Public procurement of innovation: the strategy of the French national administration -              Samira BOUSSETTA, Directorate of State Procurement

11.05     Guidance for Public Procurement of Innovation. Matija - MATOKOVIC, European          Commission  DG Grow

11.25                     Break

11.45 How purchasing process can foster innovation: the Grand Paris Express case? - John TANGUY                    director of the Innovation Department at “Société du Grand Paris”

12.05     Public procurement as a barrier to innovation and the reuse of modular buildings? The case    of the start-up CampoSPHERE, Antoine PLANE, technical director at CampoSPHERE

12.20     Green Public procurement: challenges for suppliers of the circular economy

12.45                     Lunch and networking

13.45     International working session

Tour de table - PPI Peer Learning Exchange: presentation of major challenges faced by European projects dealing with Public Procurement of Innovation

José BADIA, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

Diego MATTIOLI, PROMINENT MED coordinator (Italy)

Elsa NUNES, IRRADIARE (Portugal)

Denis PREMEC, Regional Energy Agency North (Croatia)

Gaynor WHYLES, director of JERA CONSULTING, representing CEPPI (UK)

15.00     Break out discussion: How can the Med PPI Network help you? - Gaynor WHYLES, director of                 JERA CONSULTING

15.30     Feedback from break out discussions

16.00     Close


Please confirm your participation by email at Madame Pascale PAGLIARINI

[email protected]

Ms, Mr……………………………………………………Fonction :…………………………………

Entreprise/institution: …………………………………………………………………………………

Email :………………………………………………………………

Will take part to the MED PPI Network Launch meeting, 18 January 2018


18/01 - 18/01/2018
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