
#green buildings


Cities can lead the decarbonisation of buildings and be trailblazers for renewables

  The Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report shows that more than 1 billion people – about 25% of the urban populatio (...)


Investing in Green Buildings

The latest World Built Environment Forum series of webinars discussed the importance of green buildings and how to encourage (...)


18 Latin American cities unite to upscale green building action

Representatives from 18 Latin American cities met to discuss strategies to accelerate city scale action on green buildings f (...)


The Psychology of Green Buildings: 15 Research-Backed Benefits

It’s no secret that green buildings help businesses lower their carbon footprint and cut back on operational costs. However (...)


Moisture and breathability: the key to building performance and healthy buildings

Buildings should be considered not as standalone discrete entities, but as part of a system in constant and dynamic interacti (...)


GBCI Europe opens for business

On 27 April at the LEED European Summit in Berlin, Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) President and CEO Mahesh Ramanuja (...)
