


[#Quarantine - Webinar] Buildings & Recovery Measures

Join the Renovate Europe webinar "Buildings & Recovery Measures" on 23/04 (09:30-10:30). In collaboration with DENEFF, SYNER (...)


Where the wild things are: how nature might respond as coronavirus keeps humans indoors

Intriguing things sometimes happen in places deserted by people. Plants creep back, animals return and, slowly, birdsong (...)


[#Quarantine] Are we still immortal ?

These days, in the midst of dark news, a little melody hums that « it won’t be the same afterwards » and that we‘re going (...)


[#Quarantine Webinar] Accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future - Innovative business models and price based service contracts

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) has existed for a number of years, but in many European Countries it is still not commo (...)


[#Quarantine Webinar] Putting the EU Green Deal in Action – Upscaling sustainable home renovation with innovative financing tools

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of Europeans are spending nearly 100% of their time indoors. It is time to take (...)
