


REMOURBAN continues to be firmly among global smart city community at the Smart City World Congress in Barcelona

A REMOURBAN team joined other pioneering projects in Barcelona for this year's edition of Smart City Expo World Congress (...)


Lighthouses at Barcelona – Remourban and fellow Lighthouse projects attend Smart City Expo World Congress

Empower cities. Empower people. That was the battle cry at this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) that took place (...)


Lighthouse Projects lead the way to a smarter Europe at Smart City EXPO

Twelve smart city projects covering almost 60 cities across Europe came together at the 7th Smart City Expo World Congress (...)


Exploring the Northern Lights – Remourban goes to Denmark for SmartEnCity conference week

You probably don’t know where Sonderborg is exactly, although by the look of the name you would situate it somewhere in Scand (...)


EU Smart City projects featured at Expo World Congress in Barcelona

Smart City projects from across Europe will be featured at the 7th Smart City Expo World Congress set to take place in Barcel (...)


REMOURBAN to make a stand at Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona

Due to take place in Barcelona between 15-17 November, the Smart City Expo summit is designed to mix ground-breaking technolo (...)
