
Filtering Gardens

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"Filtering Gardens ®" is a registered trademark INPI under the number 99/827094 Phytorestore which has exclusive use of the products and services 31, 37, 40 and 42.This brand has been created to protect the specific gait filtering gardens. Dedies designed as landscaped areas to the depollution of water, air and soil thanks to plants (phytoremediation), gardens Filtering meet the 5 principles in effect since 19901) Treatment Principle: each filter garden is primarily a site for the treatment of depollution a load of well characterized pollution. The sizes and garden plants are selected according to the pollution and the volumes to be treated. There is a commitment to results guaranteed.2) Principle landscape: each filter is a unique garden LANDSCAPE establishment conceived as a park or public garden with pedagogical courses according to rules of "ecological design" as well specific functions take precedence over form.3) Principle of biodiversity: garden each filter is designed to promote biodiversity by creating provisional sites for wildlife. The species chosen are from the local natural area. Birds and amphibians are populating the filtering gardens grace the "ecological habitats" deliberately set 'out at from a data bank is constantly updated since1990.4) Economic Principle: each filter garden is realized with the help of simple and economic techniques of local businesses in priority. It represents less than a conventional solution pupil and running costs much lower than traditional investment solutions.5) Management Principle: each filter is a garden area that requires maintenance work similar to those of a "garden" because it is not a wild or natural area it takes little to intervene, but a "garden" necessitating maintenance actions. Each realization is carried out with a plan differentiated management and training for at least 1 year.

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