Optimizing energy communities and improving self-consumption in housing sector


Do you know what #energycommunities are? Do you know that you can generate #renewableenergy in your #building, and share it amongst your neighbours?

➡️ In our webinar “Improving self-consumption in #housing ", 3 experts gave us interesting insights about self-consumption strategies for the #housing sector, #energygeneration, energy distribution and #energycommunities.

This was possible thanks to our 3 speakers: Alberto Belda González, Energy Engineer from CARTIF Technological Center, Florencia Lazzari, a Physician working at CIMNE research center, developing smart energy management services, and Sven Köhler, Systems Engineer and CEO of ANERDGY and memeber of ProGETonE. ?

If you missed the webinar, you can check out the full video in ProGETonE's Youtube channel.

Follow us on YouTube and Twitter and stay tuned for more webinars!

 energy communities deep energy seismic safety h2020 event webinar