
Winners of 2012 GreenBuilding and GreenLight Awards

1016 Zuletzt geändert vom Autor am 01/06/2012 - 15:07

These awards, launched by the European Commission in 2005 and 2000 respectively, promote the reduction of energy consumption by public and private organisations on a voluntary basis.

GreenBuilding promotes improved energy efficiency through several measures such as thermal insulation, efficient heating and cooling, intelligent control systems and solar panels. The programme currently has 364 partners with 616 buildings, which achieved energy savings of 514 000 MWh in 2011.

GreenLight, which promotes highly efficient lighting, has currently 710 partners, who achieved total energy savings of 304 000 MWh in 2011.

This year's jury was composed of Barbara Cuniberti, an Italian architect specialised in energy efficiency in buildings; Marion Elle, a German energy efficiency expert and the JRC programme manager, Paolo Bertoldi.

More information: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/12/251

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Zsóka Gyetvai
