Webinar - The clean energy transition for buildings: Professional associations enhancing renovation skills

All policy instruments enabling and facilitating the clean energy transition in the building sector are falling into place in 2023 at the EU level.

This includes the adoption of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) as core elements of the 'fit for 55' package, designed to realize the EU Green Deal.

Furthermore, the recent inclusion of REPowerEU has further strengthened the comprehensive approach towards achieving the clean energy transition in the building sector.

The journey to bring the buildings related EU policy instruments to practice on the ground doesn’t end here. The EU’s Member States (MSs) need to adequately transpose, implement, enforce and monitor them while fostering and ensuring their practical application by skilled building professionals.

Against this backdrop the session organizers, targeting foremost policy makers and at large the building sector stakeholders, drawn together some of the key institutional, professional and business actors to foster EU-national coordination and address at the fastest pace possible the skills challenges, such as:

  • Policy and financing instruments as a linchpin for the skills framework
  • Education, training, upskilling and reskilling for bridging the gap ‘available-needed' professionals (KPIs)
  • Attractiveness of the sector, including the gender & age dimensions: changing mindsets about technical education and careers at the earliest stages (e.g., children)
  • Best practices for designing effective training programmes
  • New digital technologies

Join BUILD UP on June 7 from 14.00 - 16.00 in this webinar brought to you in cooperation with Federations of European HVAC Association (REHVA)European Builders Confederation (EBC)GCP EuropeRenovate Europe, and EuropeOn

Find out more and register!

 energy efficiency green deal renewable energies clean energy clean energy transition Policy building sector EED RED: EPBD