[Video] Seqens, the social housing company involved in the energy transition joins the D2Grids adventure!

In response to the 2ND Interreg NWE capitalisation call, Seqens has joined the new consortium of the D2GRIDS project dedicated to better integrate electrical uses and local renewable energy production capacities. The arrival of this new partner allows the D2Grids project to go further, by producing electricity to benefit several consumers locally.





With nearly 100,000 housing units, Seqens is one of the major stakeholders in social housing in the Paris region. Seqens is committed to ensuring that its residences are energy-efficient to reduce tenants’ expenses and respect the environment. Thanks to collective self-consumption, the electricity produced is coupled to the Paris Saclay energy loop and injected into the grid to benefit the heating network facilities.

The integration of Seqens is a stepping stone for the D2Grids project!

This is a first in France and should inspire many projects in the future. Indeed, this model is beneficial in several aspects.

  • For the heating and cooling network, which will benefit from electricity of renewable energy
  • For Seqens, which takes part in an innovative territorial project and is providing its assets with a virtuous energy solution
  • For the tenants of Seqens, who will benefit from a reduction in their energy bill thanks to the sale of electricity from Seqens to the Paris saclay heating network.


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 hetaing and cooling grids housing energy transition