Top 10 Green Building Pros & Cons

  • by Chris Jackson
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  • le 2022-02-09 00:00:00
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  • International
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  • vus 1975


With the increasing environmental issues now, people are promoting and opting for greener alternatives that can minimize the drastic effects of energy consumption on our environment. Green buildings have many benefits and significantly impact the environmental, economic, and social levels. The structure's design depends on renewable energy, bio-resources, and recyclable or renewable materials.

Whenever a "green building" comes to your mind, you might instantly think that this only imposes positive impacts on our society and for your establishment. But on the contrary, it still has its cons. But before tackling those points, let us first define "green building" and what makes it different from the latter. 

Pros of Green Building

1. Energy Efficiency

When you construct a green building, you will be surprised by its high energy-efficiency levels. While typical conventional buildings are not insulated correctly therefore, often lose internal heat, the eco-friendly option can contain plenty of heat indoors since they are adequately protected. If you want your establishment to be adequately insulated, you can check out different products that help with building insulation, such as access doors. You can search up the access doors and panels product reviews to help you choose the suitable access door that will keep your establishment well insulated. 

2. Material Efficiency 

Green architectures often utilize renewable, reusable, recyclable, and non-toxic materials. These materials are proven to be eco-friendly such as bamboo, straw, recycled metal, or concrete. The main goal of establishing a greener establishment is to decrease waste production. As much as possible, building contractors will reuse or recycle materials for different purposes. 

3. Water Efficiency

Commercial buildings waste tons of water yearly. Still, when you decide to switch to a greener option, you can significantly reduce your commercial building's water demand, which will become essential in the future since there is already a problem with water sources.

Another advantage of constructing green buildings is that water-efficient devices can be easily installed and accessible whenever in need. With these, a healthy and more sustainable establishment is more attainable.

4. Less Air Pollution

Large amounts of fossil fuels are used for energy production, implying significant emissions. Thus, reducing the energy demand through green building techniques can significantly reduce the number of fossil fuels used globally.

5. Natural Light

Green buildings can retain more energy by using natural sunlight as a primary lighting source. This technique is possible by utilizing large windows to brighten up any room area. It can save you more energy since the daylight may be sufficient during the day without any additional lights. Thus, you will notice a decrease in your building's energy consumption. 

Cons of Green Building

1. High Cost 

The costs linked with these structures can be on the expensive side. Establishment owners might need to save a lot of money for this project. On the bright side, the invested capital will return through energy-saving possibilities.

2. Temperature Regulation

Green buildings often use cooling alternatives such as natural ventilation. Therefore, you might not have total control of your indoor temperature, which can disturb your occupants if the heat or cold outside is intolerable. 

3. Time Frame

Constructing a green building requires more time because it is difficult to find the appropriate materials and pieces of equipment needed. In rare cases, the clients can even end up delaying the project.

4. Maintenance Maybe Tricky

Green building construction projects typically utilize the latest technologies available. Unfortunately, the maintenance of that equipment might be tricky since technology becomes more complex, and very few repairmen keep their knowledge about care up to date.

5. Not Suitable for All Locations

Green buildings utilize as much sunlight as possible. This is essential in producing energy, and using natural light reduces the need to use different conventional energy sources. Unfortunately, some locations do not have many sunny days in a whole year, so opting for a green establishment may not be the best choice.

With the growing population and increase in environmental pollution, looking for different alternatives to help minimize the harmful effects is always a go-to for any establishment owners. Researching the various pros and cons of green buildings is vital before going through with the project. This will help you make a more precise decision before starting the project. 

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