Survey by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction before the COP22

The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction conducts a survey before the international conference on Climate Change in Marrakesh, in November 2016. All professionals are invited to anser the survey which aims to review what type of a building’s sustainability data is being collected where, by whom and for what purpose, and what the major challenges are in relation to more systematic data capture and management by stakeholders. The survey will not take more than 10 minutes of your time and your participation by 26 Oct is greatly appreciated.

Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable (MRV) information is pivotal to accelerating energy efficiency in the buildings and construction sectors. In order to finance, construct and renovate low-carbon, sustainable buildings, decision-makers and the financial organisations require high quality data to drive and motivate financing and policy action.
Recognising the cross-cutting importance of measurement and data for financial and investment decisions and for successfully making the business case for resource efficient, low-carbon buildings, the Global Alliance on Buildings and Construction and its Working Group on Measurement, Data and Accountability, led by RICS and the IEA,  of which UNEP FI is part, is carrying out this pivotal review which will ultimately serve to further inform and embed energy efficiency and wider ESG considerations into real estate financing and policy making.

The preliminary survey findings will be presented at COP22’s Buildings Day in Marrakech.

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