Steps towards NZEBs Exemplified for Different European Countries

  • by Cosmina Marian
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  • le 2015-02-27 12:03:16
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  • International
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  • vus 1835

What is a "nearly zero-energy building" (NZEB)? How can NZEBs be put into practice? In which way have binding requirements already been set up? These questions have been discussed in the last few years by energy and buildings experts throughout Europe. Despite the tight implementation and reporting schedule determined by the EPBD recast 2010 only in few countries regulations including NZEB definitions have been approved – in most of the European member states debates on different drafts and concepts are still ongoing.

Snapshots of the national discussions are given by the new synthesis report of the EPISCOPE project. It provides deeper insights in the status quo in 17 countries, the current minimum requirements for new buildings and the enacted or assumed future NZEB standards. For each country the current calculation approach of the new buildings regulations and envisaged changes to include NZEBs have been specified by use of a common table template. The 17 country reports are supplemented by case studies showing by which U-values and heat supply systems the respective NZEB concepts could practically be implemented.

More information can be found at the EPISCOPE website.

PDF-Download of the report: EPISCOPE_SR1_NewBuildingsInTypologies.pdf
including information from the following countries: At, BE, CY, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, NL, NO, RD, SI.


The overall strategic objective of EPISCOPE is to make the energy refurbishment processes in the European housing sector transparent and effective. This will help ensure that the climate targets can actually be attained and that corrective or enhancement actions can be taken in due time, if necessary. The starting point was the TABULA concept of residential building typologies which will be further continued and expanded.