SMART-SPACE: Smart lightning system for North-Western European cities

The SMART SPACE project promotes the uptake of smart lighting in small/mid size municipalities. Learn more about the outcome of the project during their webinar series.

Street lamps account for about 30% of municipalities’ total electricity consumption. Street lighting is very energy-consuming, whilst contributing to CO2 emissions. However, street lamps are an important feature of cities, as they keep citizens safe and comfortable. Therefore, many cities in North-Western Europe have switched their street lamps to LED lightbulbs, making them much more energy efficient. Although, we could go even further.

The SMART-SPACE project takes street lighting energy efficiency further by promoting Smart Public Lighting technologies. Such lamps would produce light when appropriate and at the right amount. Using smart sensors, smart street lamps automatically adjust to the actual local need, which would help municipalities realise a 60% energy saving in energy consumption. For example, if surrounding buildings produce enough lights, then a smart streetlamp knows there is no need for additional light. Street lamps can even adjust to weather conditions. For instance, when a gloomy winter day sets on the city, street lamps adjust the light intensity differently than on a clear summer evening.

So far, smart streetlights have been implemented on smaller local levels but should be expanded to a greater level in order to facilitate decarbonization. Starting in 2018, the SMART-SPACE created a transnational collaboration that moves beyond piecemeal solutions and facilitates the uptake of such solutions in small/midsize municipalities. The project has brought together cities and stakeholders (research institutes, SMEs, enterprises) from the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Ireland. Together, they worked on creating a roadmap and a toolbox to be shared with municipalities. Ultimately, Smart Public Lighting help cities and municipalities reduce their energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions.

The project coming to a close, SMART-SPACE is ready to demonstrate the benefits of Smart Public Lighting to municipalities.

Learn more about Smart Lighting

Save the date for the two upcoming webinars part of a series of three webinars presenting the outcome of SMART-SPACE.

  • Webinar 2 – The value of Smart public lighting for improving the life of citizens. April 29, 10 AM CET.
  • Webinar 3 – Creating a smart light system: lessons learned from the SMART-SPACE project. June 3, 10 AM CET.

For more information, visit the SMART-SPACE webpage.

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