Rural BioHeat Utilities – Best Practice

Establishing affordable and reliable biomass-based heat utilities in towns, villages and rural areas.

At this Heat Academy session we will introduce the concept of Rural Heat – small scale biomass-based district heat networks – and share experiences and best practice from Finland and Sweden. We will highlight the wider opportunities of such installations, including the potential benefits for municipalities and woodland owners, and introduce an initiative aiming to assist residents and businesses in implementing small-scale heat networks in Atlantic Canada.

The session will involve speakers with extensive know-how and practical experience in implementing and operating small-scale biomass district and neighbourhood heating systems, including Patrick Wiggin – Federation of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners; Mathieu LeBlanc – ACFOR; Gustaf Melin – Swedish Bioenergy Association; Susanne Paulrud – Research Institutes of Sweden; Magnus Extergren – Jernforsen; and Jamie Stephen – TorchLight Bioresources.

More information on the programme is available here.

Please click here to book your place.

This article was first found on euroheat's website 
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 biobased district energy heating grid energy trainings energy