Romania Green Building Council organizes a "green corner" in housing expo

  • by Anca Bieru
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  • le 2012-05-03 02:43:08
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  • International
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  • vus 2641

The Romania Green Building Council has organized a "green corner" at the Casa Mea (Expo House) conference and expo that begins today in Bucharest until 6 May.  The Council will display architectural drawings and pictures of completed and in-process green building projects in Romania and will host multiple green building solution providers who will display and explain their products, technologies, materials, and services.   The RoGBC and its member companies will also deliver multiple informational presentations on the sustainable construction topic.   Cristina Siu, RoGBC Director of Developing and Marketing  explained, "While we cover all building types in our activities,  this exposition focused on residential buildings, gives us the chance to really meet and talk with individual homeowners, hear their concerns and wishes, and give them information on how to make greener choices and why it is a better economic option".  

RoGBC also designed their exposition stand to itself use a greener approach with the design and materials  than the exposition displays found at trade fairs. Expositions typically produce a considerable amount of waste material that goes to landfills and consumes considerable energy in its production and its disposal."We wanted to both 'practice what we preach' and set an example how sustainable construction principles could be applied across many business activities including trade fairs.We also ended up with a more appealing display area for less cost by doing just a little more thinking and planning".  

 Some of the specific green features of the design for the RoGBC's exhibition area include:

  •  Installation of a green wall and living tree within the "green corner" area.

  • SteelCase office chairs offered by Corporate Office Solutions - made of recyclable components and certified green materials. 

  • Carpet tiles from recycled content from InterfaceFLOR installed which will be collected and reused rather than the single use carpets normally used by exhibitors.  The carpet tiles use an innovative method of installation that does not require chemical adhesive be applied or use of extensive taping.

  • Sofas and armchairs brought from the Council's office that were reupholstered  locally in Romania giving new life and color to the furniture rather than discarding the old and buying new

  • A requirement that all printed materials of companies displaying within the "green corner"  use recycled paper and environmentally-friendly inks.

  • Display of a 3D Model of the RoGBC's EcoBiblioteca renovation project which is made out of  recycled materials including 95% of the cardboard made entirely out of recycled paper + paper and small pieces of reused brick from our office, painted with water-based, no VOC content paint;

  • The area reduces the use of artificial lights (just 3 spotlights per 48 sqm)  relying on the pre-analysis of the excellent natural light provided by the tall ex-industrial building that hosts the exposition.

  •   RoGBC Banners are printed on more ecological fabric material;