[Replay] Celsius Talk: Integrated Energy Systems

In order to achieve a fast and cost-efficient energy transition in European cities, a systemic (integrated) approach is required. Integrated energy system can be understood as the enhanced cooperation between energy carriers, infrastructure and sectors which helps harnessing efficiency gains and decreasing the overall costs. This is in theory, by what about the practical implementation?

During the Celsius Talk: Integrated Energy Systems on Friday June 3, 2022, we discussed how far we have gone since the release of the EU strategy for energy system integration (2020); we heard about a new nation-scale integrated multi-energy system planning tool, developed by the EU project PlaMES; and a district heating network in Hengelo (NL), recognised as the most innovative heating network in the Netherlands.

Please find the presentations from the webinar here >>

Lelde Kiela-Vilumsone, policy officer, DG Energy, European Commission
Matteo Pozzi, Optit, project PlaMES
Marion de Dooij, Ennatuurlijk
Moderator: Emilia Pisani, Johanneberg Science Park, Celsius Initiative

 energy energy efficiency district energy