Renovation Summit - What can be done collectively to ensure a really fair energy transition in times of skyrocketing gas, construction materials, rents, and house prices?

  • by Nerea Gómez
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  • le 2022-10-26 10:00:00
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  • International
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  • vus 2212


How is the public, cooperative, and social housing riding the Renovation Wave?


Tenants, residents, social and affordable housing providers, and cities faced the impact of the coronavirus, have been struggling to welcome Ukrainians fleeing their country, and paying incredibly high energy bills and construction materials. We do live in extremely turbulent times.


However, legislative, financial, and soft measures backed up with solid innovation can still ensure a smooth energy transition for homes and neighbourhoods in Europe. The time to draft socially-just smart regulation is now. Let’s do this collectively to make sure that even the voices of those who are busy choosing between basic needs are being heard.


Two years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, not-for-profit housing providers showed ambition – to renovate 4 million social and affordable homes by 2030. Only six months later, Housing Europe and the International Union for Tenants (IUT) organised the very first Renovation Summit in May 2021, calling for a fair, inclusive, green energy transition that achieves decarbonisation while preserving social fairness and affordability.


Good practices showed that this is mission possible.


Who? How? By when?


The second edition of the Renovation Summit organised by the European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU), Housing Europe, the European Construction, built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform (ECTP), and Eurocities will bring vital questions and answers to the surface.


The two-day event on November, 16th and 17th is arranged in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions and House of Dutch Provinces.

Discover the programme and save your seat for free here:

 social housing affrodable housing energy transition Renovation Summit 2022