Meet the #BestClimateVenture finalists from The Netherlands

The Climate-KIC Venture Competition brings together 15 of the most promising startups from the Climate-KIC Accelerator programme to compete for the title of #BestClimateVenture.

The Climate-KIC Accelerator programme supports hundreds of startups across Europe every year and is the only EU acceleration programme focused on climate impact by cleantech commercialisation.

Each country has selected the most promising startups from the accelerator to pitch their business ideas at the Venture Competition in Frankfurt hosted during the Climate Innovation Summit on November 8.

The startups will pitch to a panel of judges who will assess the robustness of their business model, their ability and readiness to scale, as well as their ability to work in partnership with others. The prizes include 80,000EUR for the winner, 50,000EUR for the runner-up plus an additional 10,000EUR for both winners to spend on a communications campaign.

Meet the startups representing the Accelerator in The Netherlands


Today’s challenge of the building and construction industry is about changing the game of contract risks and costs. Moreover, our society is increasingly demanding for sustainable solutions at affordable price. This affects the choice of materials.

MgAubel’s solution combines protection and sustainability for new build civil and industrial constructions with recyclable mineral composites.

The mineral composites are made of low energy and recyclable raw materials, including (bio) waste. Due to the durable composition and rapid processing, this product reduces maintenance costs.


Bamboo fibres have a high potential. Based on its density, its capacity to grow fast, its low carbon footprint and its mechanical properties, there are interesting business cases to grow bamboo locally and use it at a larger scale.

This triggered Bambooder and its business partners to explore market opportunities for bamboo, especially for paint, composites, bioplastics and 3D printing.

Bambooder replaces oil-based raw materials with renewable raw materials by incorporating bamboo fibers into paint and composite applications. The bamboo is produced locally and grows rapidly. Their fibers have mechanical properties that compete with products that have a high carbon footprint.

Find out more about Venture Competition and meet the other finalists here.

The post Meet the #BestClimateVenture finalists from The Netherlands appeared first on Climate-KIC.


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 #BestClimateVenture Bambooder MgAubel