Hiring the young and inexperienced may help boost climate innovation

It is no secret that hiring companies tend to prefer experienced candidates over inexperienced ones. But what assumptions does this automated thinking rest upon? And does it further climate innovation?

These are questions raised by the former Climate-KIC Master Label student Pierre Walter in a recent entry to the blog of the United Nations Development Programme in Europe and Central Asia

“We often forget that youth and inexperience go hand-in-hand with enthusiasm and innovation. Young people have an ability to develop ideas and find solutions that other people may not even contemplate. Recent graduates have not yet been locked into a speciality, whereas people with years of experience have usually built their career on a particular expertise. This makes the young more willing to explore fields and imagine possibilities that are not in their areas of knowledge.

In the particular context of sustainable development – which is based on the understanding that everything is connected and that global issues cannot be addressed individually – multi-disciplinarity and adaptability are not only extremely relevant, but also crucial.”

Pierre Walter is a former Climate-KIC Master Label student, and took part in Climate-KIC’s Journey summer school. 

Read the rest of Pierre’s entry here


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