[Interview] Green Woodpeckers peck on straw

  • by Carole de Fays
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  • le 2020-04-02 12:45:00
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  • International
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  • vus 2162
The carpentry company Grünspechte e.G. has 44 employees and is committed to ecology, healthier building and sustainability. It has constructed well over a hundred residential units as single-family and terraced houses, as well as multifamily houses, extensions and annexes. Since October 2019, the ’Green Woodpeckers’ have been building their first straw-insulated building: eight residential units near Freiburg, which are prefabricated in the company’s factory. Markus Wolf reports on the first straw building experiences, highlights and challenges as well as why it makes entrepreneurial sense to build sustainably. Interview with Markus Wolf, carpenter and member of the board of the timber construction company.

Markus, why did you decide to get involved in straw construction even though your order books were full?

We at Grünspechte are an ecologically minded workforce and global issues are very important to us. For many of the world’s challenges, such as climate change, scarcity of housing and resources, straw-building offers answers. We are pioneers in the building sector and want to change current construction industry standards in the direction of more sustainable construction. For some years now we have been looking for an even more ecological construction method, a new unique selling point. So we came to straw and clay. When a client showed interest in it, we got involved in the topic and decided to start the pilot project with this client.  

And what are your first experiences with straw bale building?

First of all, straw is a sympathetic construction product. We only get positive reactions to this building method from outsiders. Our entry into the straw construction scene was great. Networking with enthusiastic people who want to make a difference is very fulfilling.
What’s also very motivating is that even though the materials used in straw construction are more labour-intensive, the handling of them is more satisfying because you can add more value with a smaller variety of products. Compared to industrial building materials, straw building products are simpler and cheaper. The customer pays his money to the craftspeople for their work and not to the building materials industry.
Another thing that convinces us about modern straw bale building is that the construction method is very sophisticated. Straw insulated buildings are particularly sustainable and at the same time on the highest technical and design levels. That’s what customers want nowadays.   Read the full interview on : https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/up-straw-urban-and-public-buildings-in-straw/action-activity/yearbook-2019-green-woodpeckers/
 UP STRAW straw construction carpentry