European Renovation Hub: The STUNNING Project invites you to share your renovation insights!

The recently started EU-funded project STUNNING has the goal to promote successful and innovative renovation packages and business models around a European Renovation Hub. This virtual and interactive knowledge sharing platform for building renovation invites a stakeholder community across the whole value chain to provide information and exchange on energy-efficient renovation.

The Renovation Hub (coming soon – April 2018) presents innovative and adaptable refurbishment packages and allows sharing and promoting business models for their large scale deployment and replication. It comprises knowledge on energy efficient building refurbishment, both from the technological and business model side. 

Its purpose is to:

  • Help knowledge holders diffuse their knowledge gained from research and innovation, demonstration and deep renovation projects;
  • Facilitate the access to such knowledge for a large variety of stakeholders from the construction value chain and beyond;
  • Enable knowledge flows and exchanges among stakeholders and new, ongoing and completed projects.

Three interconnected virtual libraries offer information such as:

  • Refurbishment packages including a description of the technologies comprised in the package, information on constraints and barriers, lessons learnt, best practices, as well as cost-benefit-analyses.
  • Promising business models: The most successful and promising types of business model.
  • Business cases: Case studies showing how innovative and promising business models are.

Becoming a STUNNING Stakeholder as a Follower, Expert or Ambassador, is now possible
by joining the STUNNING community:

  • STUNNING Follower: Follow social media, get newsletters and read all public information.
  • STUNNING Expert: Get access to the submit articles section and occasionally provide own articles. Validate articles of others and get invited to STUNNING workshops.
  • STUNNING Ambassador: Take a leading role in the validation of articles and promote STUNNING in our own community.
 refurbishment renovation energy efficiency business model stunning project