ePANACEA Stakeholder analysis

The objective of the ePANACEA stakeholder analysis is to understand who the EPC end users are, what they know about the EPC, how they use it and what interests they have regarding the EPC.

In addition, the objective is to consider other stakeholders who get in (in)direct contact with end users and the EPC and therefore possibly influence end users’ behaviour and decision-making regarding energy efficiency measures. Other stakeholders can, e.g., influence the use of EPCs (if it is considered or not during the decision making to buy/rent a building) and also the decision regarding energy efficiency measures.

The first step within the stakeholder analysis was the development of a stakeholder map in order to identify different end user types and the role of other relevant stakeholders and their connection with each other. The detailed stakeholder map, containing information about stakeholders’ knowledge and interest regarding the EPC, as well as country-specific stakeholder maps are available in this stakeholder analysis report available at https://epanacea.eu/2020/12/01/epanacea-stakeholder-map/

 H2020 ePANACEA project EPC energy assessment stakeholder analysis