Cities to Be, InterNational Sustainable Building Congress 2019, the unmissable event for committed actors towards sustainable construction and sustainable city

  • by Juliette ROCCA
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  • le 2019-01-15 10:09:57
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  • International
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  • vus 2233

Certivea and Cerway, associated parteners of the Cities to Be event, the 8th InterNational Sustainable Building Congress co-organized by the HQE-GBC Alliance and Novabuild, are pleased to meet you in Angers on September 12th and 13th, 2019.

This year, this unprecedented event will bring together the National Sustainable Building Congress and the participants of the HQE International Summit under the same banner for an international edition dedicated to actors committed to sustainable construction and sustainable city.

Faced with the urgency of reducing the impact of construction on the environnement, they will share their experience feedback for buildings, neighborhoods, infrastructures and territories combining, today and tomorrow, quality of life, respect for the environment and economic dynamics.

 Cities to Be International Sustainable Building Congress 2019 sustainable construction Certivea Cerway HQE-GBC Novabuild sustainable city