[Cerway Survey] Tertiary and residential real estate survey : State of play and prospects for Sustainable Development in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

  • by Juliette Rocca
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  • le 2020-05-26 10:16:08
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  • International
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  • vus 1490

Cerway carries out a monthly survey on the situation of the tertiary and residential real estate market during this period of health crisis as well as on the strategic priorities of Sustainable Development that the actors wish to implement by the end of the year.

So you just have to answer this quick online questionnaire of about fifteen mostly closed questions. Your decisions may evolve due to current and future health and economic imperatives, some of your answers may change over time. We will therefore send you this questionnaire every month, so that we can analyze the evolution of the sector. All your answers will remain anonymous.

All the results of this survey will be widely communicated on our communication supports (website and social networks). They will give you a vision of the market situation and the intentions of the players.

We hope that many of you will take part in this survey. Do not hesitate to pass it on widely. The greater the number of respondents, the more the results will reflect an accurate picture of the situation.

Respond to the survey

 survey certification label residential tertiary real estate market sustainable development covid-19