How to optimise district energy flexibility

Improve efficiency and balance the energy system at the same time!
In the district energy networks, there are many ways to utilise cost-effective flexibility. However, it is a challenge to optimise these more complex systems. The Flexi-Sync project is developing a service for making use of district energy flexibility and optimising heat grids and heat control in buildings.

The value of district energy flexibility

As the energy system is experiencing a transition to a more sustainable system, the share of variable, renewable energy is increasing and the demand for electricity, heating and cooling is becoming more inconsistent. At the same time there is an increasing number of connections between the electricity grids and the thermal grids, such as combined heat and power plants (CHP), heat pumps, electric boilers producing heat and buildings with several heat sources [Read More...]

Photo credits : Flexi Sync

Article first published on Celsius

 Energy flexibility district D2GRIDS 5DGHC