BTA Climate KIC launches a survey to assess buildings markets across Europe

Building Market Briefs (BMB) is a Climate-KIC initiative that aims to collect and generate analysis on the building sector to encourage low carbon investments.

As part of the global shift towards a low-carbon economy and a restructuring of energy markets, the construction sector is facing key upheavals and a critical need for innovation in the years to come. These changes also offer new opportunities. A solid, region-specific information base will contribute to the development, sale, design, investment or implementation of low-carbon solutions.


Building Market Briefs (BMBs) generates an in-depth market study that takes into account current and future climate change strategies, policies and trends. This project provides information on the construction sector in the form of reports and an online tool. The reports take the form of fact sheets presenting the construction sector of each country for a total of 50 pages. The methodology used is aligned in order to compare different European markets. The online tool, meanwhile, allows users to view key information and create data folders according to their needs.

A pilot Building Market Brief was published for the Swiss Building Market, the next targeted countries are France, The Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom for 2018. 

Spain, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgary, Hungary, Austria and Baltic countries will follow in the coming years.


Building Market Briefs (or BMBs) contain information about the market taking into account the entire value chain, in the form of:

  • Summary of key national regulatory frameworks and major trends - carbon objectives, legislative framework, financing tools, investment rates, etc.
  • Overview of the barriers to action as perceived by market stakeholder groups, decision criteria and needs, based on surveys of professionals.
  • Size and segmentation of the market - building typologies, distribution of actors in the building sector (supply and demand).
  • Market Outlook for the transformation of the construction sector according to current and future changes in policy, regulation and demand trends. Short and long term scenarios.
  • Expert comments from the local market on content, targeted recommendations and business opportunities.
  • A quantitative indicator fact sheet and a qualitative market summary are also provided to provide a summary of the indicators, key results and targeted recommendations extracted from the fact sheet.

The "Building Market Brief" pilot for Switzerland is available here.

Your collaboration is crucial

As a key player in the sector, we invite you to support the EIT Climate-KIC and its partners in the development of Building Market Briefs and enjoy exclusive benefits.

Professionals from France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom or Germany, this survey is for you

Answer the BMB survey

 survey BTA Climate-KIC Building Market Briefs European Union