7 Sustainable and Financial Reasons to Install a Green Roof

  • by Chris Jackson
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  • le 2022-02-15 00:00:00
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  • International
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  • vus 5280


Climate change is no longer something that people can deny. The extreme weather phenomena seen and experienced by many worldwide are becoming more catastrophic as time passes. This concern is now driving many industries to find more sustainable solutions to try and turn the tables around before it reaches the point of no return.

Many experimental innovations in the construction industry are now developing answers to some of the pressing concerns of climate change and global warming challenges. Installing green roofs is one of the best answers that the industry has in tackling these challenges.

Sustainable construction is becoming more popular among property owners and city planners for reasons other than carbon reduction. There is often a monetary benefit, especially with green roof systems. Green roofs offer significant energy savings that can lower expenses elsewhere, in addition to possible tax benefits or subsidies.

With that in perspective, here are seven reasons for property owners and developers to choose a green roof for your next project:

#1. Improves Stormwater Management 

Asphalt and concrete in densely populated urban areas hinder rainwater from soaking into the ground, resulting in sewage overflowing, floods, and deteriorating water quality. Green roofs effectively address these issues by holding up to three-quarters of an inch of rain and keeping it from running off or, in some instances, increasing the time it takes for the water to runoff from the roof. Green roofs cut runoff by roughly two-thirds on average.

#2. Reduces Heat Island Effect in Urban Areas

Cities have a lot of paved surfaces that collect solar energy and re-radiate it as heat, raising the surrounding air temperature. The heat island effect is a phenomenon in which the temperature in city areas is often greater than in adjacent rural areas.

Green roofs may decrease the heat island effect by covering the roof surfaces with vegetation that soak up heat. They also utilize radiation from the sun to evaporate water from the growing media and transpire moisture from the plants. Evapotranspiration decreases the temperature on the roof by evaporating water using heat from the air.

#3. Extends Roof Life

By shielding roofing components from direct ultraviolet light and harsh temperatures, a green roof can extend the life of a roofing system. As a result, the roof structure may require less maintenance, sparing the owner funds on roofing system maintenance expenses over the long run. 

When compared to a regular roof, a well–maintained green roof can extend the number of functional years before it needs replacement, offsetting some of the additional installation expenses. Typically, it would be best to have some specialty roof hatches to provide an entry point for your personnel and equipment to enter the area for maintenance.

#4. Provides Additional Insulation

Heat–absorbing roof surfaces (typically dark in color) puts more strain on mechanical components, making it harder to cool a structure effectively. On the other hand, a green roof lowers the roof's heat, which cools the building. Its additional layers also act as insulation. 

It reduces the heat that enters the building, lessens cooling demand, and provides modest insulation during the hot season. Still, it does not substitute the need for further thermal insulation.

#5. Reduces Green House Gas Emission

The lowering in cooling loads also aids in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related to the operation of HVAC equipment due to fossil fuel burning. By integrating plants and trees into the urban landscape, increasing photosynthesis reduces carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles, manufacturing sites, and mechanical equipment. It also boosts the synthesis of oxygen.

#6. Reduces Ambient Noise

Green roofs dampen noise, making places both inside and outside calmer. They are more effective at suppressing noise than standard roofs, and they can even improve noise reduction on the building's higher floors when utilized without ceiling insulation. You can amplify the effect in densely populated areas with higher external noise levels.

#7. Improves the Well-Being of the Building Occupants

Green roofs can reduce stress and enhance workers' productivity for building occupants and surrounding structures by providing an attractive environment. You can make green roofs accessible to building tenants in some cases, creating a more wholesome, more intimate setting. Employee absenteeism decreases as a result of a healthier environment.


The current climate situation will steadily escalate until people take the necessary steps to answer the pressing issues. Integrating green roofing into the present building setting is an excellent step to the right path. If you have plans to utilize this technology on your projects, you need t consult a credible licensed professional.

 vuildings vegetalisation bioclimatic