

Fostering collaboration for sustainable buildings

Action on buildings benefits people and planet. This vision marked the Buildings and Climate Global Forum that took place (...)


Anticipating tomorrow's resources

Most public policies and studies propose solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Taking account of hazards (...)


Water management: sustainable solutions that flow naturally

DOSSIER C21 - The heatwave of 2023, which resulted in the drying out of soils and the weakening of vegetation and biodiversit (...)


Cool roofing: reflective roof coatings to be handled with care

How to measure the effectiveness of cool roofing? What precautions should be taken during maintenance? What about companies' (...)


Call for presentation of Innovative, Energy-Efficient and Zero Carbon Building Solutions (presentation to the Turkish construction Sector)

Background: The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement (AFD)) and VakıfBank have partnered to foster (...)


Launching 100 lighthouse districts – European Affordable Housing Consortium Final Conference, 21st February in Brussels

The European Affordable Housing Consortium has concluded its initial phase by reconciling the need for affordable housing (...)


Discover the RECONSTRUCT project in a presentation video

The EU-funded project aims to develop circular, eco-friendly, and innovative solutions to reduce emissions from the construct (...)


An anti-seismic house comes out of the 3D printer in Guatemala

A specialist in the cement industry in Latin America has just inaugurated the first 3D printed building after 26 hours of (...)


Circular Building Coalition: the winners of the open call for Blueprint Projects

Circular Building Coalition reveals 10 innovative projects to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy in the (...)


[Report] Building materials and climate: constructing a new future

Rapid urbanisation worldwide means every five days the world adds buildings equivalent to the size of Paris, with the built (...)


[Conference] Financing local energy transition

Local authorities can’t afford to delay transformation any longer, especially as the energy crisis highlighted the crucial (...)


Pioneering circular solutions for built environment through digitalization and locally sourced waste

A New European Project, RECONSTRUCT, has been launched to devise more sustainable alternatives to ordinary steel and cement (...)


How can contractors lead the way and embrace adaptive reuse?

Adaptive reuse is great for the environment as well as local communities. Renovating disused structures is exciting but it (...)


Webinar - unlocking operational rating schemes: the synergetic added value of SmartLivingEPC & CHRONICLE

In an era of rapid urbanization and growing environmental concerns, the need for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings (...)


Maximizing energy efficiency in HVAC systems for commercial buildings

Energy efficiency is what most property owners need to turbocharge their commercial buildings. To maximize it, one of the (...)