Production décentralisée d'énergie et stockage mutualisé : publications issues du projet "Quartiers bas carbone" du CSTB

L'objectif du projet "Quartier bas carbone" mené de 2011 à 2013 par le CSTB consistait à développer des outils de gestion de l'énergie contribuant à réduire l'empreinte carbone au niveau du quartier. Les communications présentées ci-dessous sont issues des travaux menés autour des aspects relatifs à la production et à la gestion des ENR. Elles portent notamment sur les solutions de stockage (dimensionnement, planification du fonctionnement, calcul des flux de puissance) et la simulation de la courbe de charge d'un quartier.


Planning-oriented yearly simulation of energy storage operation in distribution systems for profit maximization, voltage regulation and reserve provisioning


CIRED 2013, 22nd International conference & exhibition on electricity distribution, Electricity distribution systems for a sustainable future, June 10-13, 2013, Stockholm, SWE, 4 p. [Paper 1243]

Résumé : The connection of generation units at the distribution level is expected to increase significantly in the future. This phenomenon will have impacts on the planning and operation of the electric system, both at the local (e.g. appearance of reverse power flows) and global (e.g. modification of the supply-demand equilibrium and of the reserve provisioning capabilities) level. In this context, storage devices are increasingly seen as a possible way to mitigate these impacts, with the caveat -compared to alternative solutions- that their versatility comes with high investment costs. Consequently, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that the full capabilities of these storage devices are put to use. Following this line of thought, this paper presents an algorithm suitable for planning purposes that simulates the yearly operation of distributed energy storage units connected at the medium voltage level to maximize the profit drawn from market operation while respecting voltage and reserve requirement constraints.

La communication est librement accessible à l’adresse suivante :



A criticality criterion to decrease the computational burden in multistage distribution system optimal power flow


PowerTech 2013, Towards carbon free society through smarter grids, June 16-20, 2013, Grenoble, FRA, 6 p.

Résumé : As the penetration of distributed generation and storage means in the distribution system is expected to increase, new tools for its planning and operation will be needed and optimal power flow calculations will certainly play a prominent role. However, obstacles have to be overcome before these can be deployed, among which their computational burden is of particular concern. Consequently, we introduce here the use of a criticality criterion aimed at detecting for which time steps the voltage constraints need to be evaluated. We apply the methodology to a distribution system extracted from the literature and discuss the influence of various parameters on the validity of the methodology and the computational gains expected.

L'article peut être commandé à l’adresse suivante :



Low carbon district: energy and behaviour modelling


ICT4SP, ICT for sustainable places, September 9-11, 2013, Nice, FRA, 12 p.

Résumé : The main objective of the CSTB Low District program is to develop a set of new energy management tools to reduce carbon footprint at the district scale. Such tools should allow the development of strategies aiming at electrical load reduction, such as demand response, distributed energy resources energy integration and load management. In that context, a high resolution (1 minute) load curve simulator framework has been developed. It aims at being a virtual benchmark for local smart grid strategies. The framework proposed in this paper is a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. On the first hand the district information model is described in a top down fashion by a joint distribution allowing the generation of a statistically representative sample of buildings, appliances and dwellers. The joint distribution is derived from publicly available census data and expert knowledge whenever experimental data are missing. On the second hand, the dwellings load curves are simulated using a bottom up approach. In this work, appliances are stochastically triggered conditionally to the dwellers activity. The behaviour models are based on the homogeneous Markov chains used in. Deterministic part of the electrical load, such as heating and cooling consumption, is simulated through a reduced model of the multi-zone building model from the SIMBAD library. This paper presents the general approach and modelling hypothesis of the load curve simulator and shows first results of behavioural load curves simulations.

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