New Construction

  • Building Type : Other building
  • Construction Year : 2022
  • Delivery year : 2022
  • Address 1 - street : Boulevard Machureau 21000 DIJON, France
  • Climate zone : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter, warm summer, no dry season.

  • Net Floor Area : 11 m2
  • Construction/refurbishment cost : 5 250 €
  • Number of none : 1 none
  • Cost/m2 : 477.27 €/m2
  • Primary energy need
    (Calculation method : )
Energy consumption
Economical buildingBuilding
< 50A
51 à 90B
91 à 150C
151 à 230D
231 à 330E
331 à 450F
> 450G
Energy-intensive building

The objective is to build 1 Tiny house (small movable wooden house), with the participation of the future user of this house, and with a maximum of materials resulting from reuse, available on the Emmaüs de Norges la ville site and on other other sites.

It is jointly supported by the following two partners :

  • ADEFO, which is an association under the 1901 law working in the field of reception, accommodation and support for people in great social difficulty ;
  • the EMMAUS De Norges la Ville community, which welcomes 130 companions on its site.


The context

Since March 2021, following a call for expressions of interest from DIHAL, Interministerial Directorate for Housing and Access to Housing, ADEFO has opened a housing and support service called « Grands Précaires » .

Following the regular observations of the SIAO 115 21, the SIAO social monitoring committee identified around twenty people known to all the players in accommodation and housing, more particularly in Dijon Métropole, experiencing difficult life paths, interspersed with breakups and unable to settle permanently in housing or even accommodation. The issues identified are those related to child welfare pathways, addiction, behavioral problems and being on the street for several years, despite the various proposals / effective orientations. These are the people who are directed to the Grands Précaires service. Some of them with a long journey on the street and wandering cannot immediately imagine living in a traditional habitat.

The accommodation offered when the Grands Précaires service opened, here called Machureau, was organized from two townhouses close to each other, made available by Dijon Métropole. They both have a garden. Depending on their particularities, the people received can be installed inside one of the houses, alone or in pairs, also in diffused housing (elsewhere) but also today for two of them in caravans installed in the gardens .


The goal

Caravans are damaged, their need is still relevant and this type of habitat is still suitable for a few people. The tiny intended for Machureau is made without toilets, in order to create a progressive airlock between the street and more traditional accommodation for the people received who will have to use the toilets of the houses. It is built so that it can later be moved to another site (transport on a truck bed, then placed on simple studs on the host site). It is equipped with a simple electrical installation (light points, power outlet, 1 electric heater which are powered by a connection to the existing room).

Building users opinion

Benoit took ownership of his future home very quickly as he took part in its construction.

If you had to do it again?

A second tiny is already planned, this time for a companion from the Emmaus community of Norges la ville, and with his participation. ADEFO is considering with Greater Dijon the provision of other sites that would allow the installation of other tinys made according to the same principle for other people waiting for housing.

Photo credit

Michel Perrin (for the photos)
FR3 Burgundy (for videos)


Construction Manager

    Réalisée par 1 personne bénévole, expert construction bois avec l'aide de 3 autres bénévoles

    Michel Perrin - michelperrin57[a]


    Environmental consultancy

    Communauté Emmaüs de Norges la ville

    Christelle Prodhon, directrice - prodhon.christelle[a]

    provision of various reusable materials, provision of the workshop and tools, and occasional participation of a companion from the community in the construction


    DIJON métropole - cohésion sociale

    Fabrice CHATEL, directeur - fchatel[a]

    provision of the 2 houses and the Tiny reception area


    DDETS direction départementale de l'emploi, du travail et des solidarités

    Nicolas Nibourel , Directeur délégué départemental

    Financing of the support and accommodation service for "great precarious people"

    Construction Manager

    Benoit, futur usager, Aurélien, ancien SDF et Richard, éducateur ADEFO, tous bénévoles

    Building the Tiny

Energy consumption

    Electrical energy consumption is split between 2 sources: A central light point and 3 sockets A 1000w electric heater


    • Electric radiator
    • No domestic hot water system
    • No cooling system
    • Natural ventilation
    • No renewable energy systems

Urban environment

  • 1 282,00 m2
  • 11,00 %
  • Benoit's Tiny is installed on the Machureau site, made available to ADEFO by Le grand Dijon Métropole. These are two houses with an interior courtyard and a large garden

    Benoit's tiny will be placed in the courtyard, near one of the houses and facing the garden.

    This site is the subject of an urban planning project on the horizon of 1 to 2 years. This will require it to be moved to another site, also offered by Greater Dijon, and will allow ADEFO to continue its housing action for people in great difficulty.

Construction and exploitation costs

  • 5 250
  • 1 000
  • New materials for 1850€:

    1 carpentry
    Biofib hemp insulation
    vapor and rain barrier films
    interior paneling
    silicone sealant
    paint for roof steel decks

    Reused materials for 3400€

    Structural and structural wood
    4 PVC exterior carpentry
    Cover steel tanks
    Metallic IPN for the manufacture of the trailer
    2 axles of scrap caravans

Reuse : same function or different function

    • Structural framework
    • Roofing
    • Facades
    • Locksmithing-Metalwork
    • Outdoor joineries
    • Floorings
    • Electricity

    Framework and low floor: timber frame from used pallets 11 m² of low floor and 17m² of framework.

    Coverage: 17.5 m² of recovered steel bins.

    Facades: 40m² made up of frame uprights from dismantled pallets and fir planks.

    Exterior woodwork: 1 door and 3 PVC windows recovered from the demolition of a low-rent housing building.

    Flooring: 11m² of parquet from end of stock.

    Locksmithing - metalwork: manufacture of a trailer with 2 caravan axles from a scrapyard and the frame structure with profiles from the dismantling of a metal frame.

    Facades with wooden frame, frame and low floor, exterior cladding : wood from the dismantling of pallets and packing crates, recovered and packaged by the companions of Emmaus.

    Exterior woodwork: salvaged from the Emmaus site and from a demolition company in Champagnole, following the deconstruction of an HLM building.

    Flooring: end of stock offered by a trader at Emmaus.

    Locksmith metalwork: IPN bars recovered from the dismantling of a metal shed by Emmaus and 2 caravan axles recovered from a car scrapyard.

Environmental assessment

    Categories Avoided CO2 (kg)  Avoided water consumption (m3) Avoided waste (kg)
    Outdoor facilities 0 0 0
    Exterior fittings / Locksmithing - Metalwork 0 0 0
    Carpentry 3198.683333 25.10065 723.2076365
    Partitions 0 0 0
    Coverage 0 0 0
    Roofing / Exterior fittings 0 0 0
    Lighting 9.959978333 0.052697832 9.889425754
    Safety lights 0 0 0
    Climatic engineering equipment 0 0 0
    Electrical equipment 0 0 0
    Facades 396.130991 113.5613523 348.7186127
    False ceilings 0 0 0
    False floors 0 0 0
    False ceilings 0 0 0
    Structural work 0 0 0
    Sanitary installations 0 0 0
    Insulation 0 0 0
    Exterior carpentry 450.7448 5.562367943 362.3048481
    Interior carpentry 0 0 0
    Furniture 0 0 0
    Paint 0 0 0
    Plumbing 0 0 0
    Floor coverings 53.79 1.63515 34.2090749
    Floor and wall coverings 0 0 0
    Wall coverings 0 0 0
    Building security 0 0 0
    Locksmithing - metalwork 0 0 0
    VRD 0 0 0
      Avoided CO2 (kg)  Avoided water consumption (m3) Avoided waste (kg)
    TOTAL 4109.309103 145.9122181 1478.329598

    The re-use operation saved the equivalent of 32874 kilometers driven by a small car, or 37 trips from Paris to Nice, 973 rectangular bathtubs filled with water and 3 years of household waste of a French person.

Economic assessment

  • 3 400
  • 65 %

Social economy

    ADEFO Dijon and the Emmaus community of Norges, the city on the Côte d'Or. The participation of Benoit for the whole of the construction and of Aurélien (for the electricity) was a source of a first return to activity, which could subsequently promote a process of integration through work.

Reasons for participating in the competition(s)

When circular economy and social and solidarity economy go hand in hand, it's a Tiny house built from reused materials, collected by the companions of the Emmaüs community of Norges la ville.

This Tiny is built with and for people in great precariousness and without fixed accommodation, today hosted by the Association Dijonnaise ADEFO .

The strength of this type of housing: it can be moved to where the housing need is.

Building candidate in the category

Prix hors-cadre

Prix hors-cadre

Trophées Bâtiments Circulaires 2022
 Circular Buildings Trophies 2022 circular economy reuse waste recycling building housing materials and solutions

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Author of the page

Véronique BAILLET

Directrice générale

Other case studies



Trophées Bâtiments Circulaires 2022