Mobilizing to bridge the gap left open by Donald Trump

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Christian Brodhag

Vice-Président Construction21 France / Président Construction21 AISBL

2677 Last modified by the author on 06/06/2017 - 14:17
Mobilizing to bridge the gap left open by Donald Trump

Although widely expected, Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement is very bad news for Humanity. It opens a breach in the historic agreement against climate change signed in Paris less than 2 years ago.

This decision has at least the merit of being clear and sounding the mobilization, which would probably have been more difficult if the United States had decided to stay and sabotage the process from within. France, through the voice of its new president Emmanuel Macron, is mobilized, and China is also committed. In North America, the commitment of US states and cities to an agenda of solutions against the White House also seems promising.

Arnold Schwarzenegger then Governor of California had launched, when the Copenhagen COP failed in 2009, the association Regions for Climate R20. The objective was to ensure the leadership of the regions most committed to the development of solutions. Today Arnold Schwarzenegger has called for mobilization in a video that has already made nearly 70 million views. Construction 21's partnership with the R20 opened the portal in Algeria, which is led by the dynamic R20 Med team.

By making communication with local actors as close as possible while expanding in China and by developing international partnerships within the Global Alliance for Construction and Building with international associations such as the R20, Construction21 is more than ever at the heart of Solutions for buildings and the sustainable cities.

Christian Brodhag

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