Construction21, France GBC and R20 call to all building professionals to mobilise for the climate.

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Sylvain Bosquet

Responsable Web editorial

3650 Last modified by the author on 12/11/2015 - 11:00
Construction21, France GBC and R20 call  to all building professionals to mobilise for the climate.

The international conference for the climate in Paris (COP21) is a critical step in the fight against climate change, and the last chance to reach an agreement of the governments to limit global warming to 2°c.

The building sector, which alone generates 30% of the world greenhouse gas, has a key role to play in this battle. Pioneer professionals around the world are mobilized for years already to rethink their models and processes, in order to significantly reduce the CO2 impact of buildings.

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Today Construction21, R20 and France GBC – member of the World GBC, call all professionals of the sector to demonstrate their mobilisation for the climate by publishing their climate pledges on the Construction21 web platform.


The « Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction » will be officially launched by UNEP[1] on December 3rd, 2015, during the Buildings Day of the COP21, in Paris – Le Bourget. The Alliance aims to rally professionals around three common goals:

  • Communicate around the building sector objectives for the climate, opportunities and impacts generated by this mutation;
  • Collaborate to accelerate technology and know-how sharing and facilitate access to fundings;
  • Develop adapted local solutions programs, allowing to stay below the 2°c objective.

Download the tutorial “Publish your climate pledge on Construction21”.

Construction21 will broadly communicate and “buzz” around your pledges and will officially deliver them to UNEP, on December 3rd, for the Buildings Day.

[1] United Nations Environment Program

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