
1st Seminar on the Promotion of Innovative Projects in Green Economy

7782 Last modified by the author on 21/07/2017 - 14:47
1st Seminar on the Promotion of Innovative Projects in Green Economy

Organized jointly by R20 MED, the R20 NGO's office for the Mediterranean region, École Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran Maurice-Audin ( ENPO-MA ) and École des Mines de Saint-Etienne ( EMSE ) 1st Seminar on the Promotion of Innovative Projects in Green Economy was held on 11 and 12 July 2017 at the Algerian School of Business (ESAA) in Algiers. It was sponsored by Ms Fatma-Zohra Zerouati, Minister of the Environment and Renewable Energies.

The seminar was attended by numerous national institutional and economic players, representatives of local and regional authorities, universities and research, civil society and the media, as well as experts in the fields of renewable energies, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Waste Management. The opening of the event was highlighted by the presence of the Minister of the Environment and Renewable Energies, the Director General of International Economic Relations and Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic representatives (Austria, Finland and France) and cooperation agencies (GIZ, AHK, etc.).

Panelists' interventions and debates involving stakeholders in the various institutional or business panels and the round table "Project financing" were characterized by their richness. Concrete experiences have fueled the exchanges, sometimes lively, between facilitators, experts and participants. It was recommended to cooperate to develop market conditions and create clusters in the fields of waste and building, similar to the existing one for renewable energies, which will contribute to the development of demonstrators and labels. The platform " Construction21.dz " could provide support and support for initiatives taken in the context of this emerging dynamic in the field of the green economy.

This seminar was punctuated by the presentation of concrete bankable projects led by the learners of the Specialized Master's "Territories, Technologies and Financing of Portfolios of Innovative Projects in Green Economy" . As a reminder, the 16 learners of the 1st class come from local authorities, Institutions and Agencies of the Environment Sector, public and private operators and representatives of the Civil Society and come from 8 wilayas de l East, Central, South and West of the country.

Rendez-vous is given in 2018 for the 2nd seminar to evaluate the progress of innovative projects in green economy

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abderrahmane zidane

Architecte, expert en eco construction