

Rural Revival: Empowered Communities and Sustainable Energy in a Changing Climate

​In the latest European Commission’ recommendations, energy poverty is defined as a situation in which households are unable (...)


The concept of energy poverty: from understanding to overcoming it, new report by the H2020 project ComAct

Energy poverty as a concept has a long tradition, and energy subsidies for low-income households have been a major part of (...)


The Future of Urban Transportation

Over the next decade, there will be a lot of transportation changes coming to our highways and skylines. As technology evolve (...)


Fuel Storage and Distribution Terminal - Park Tank

Project of Fuel Storage and Distribution Base, in Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil, with premise of use of technology and project decis (...)


Retrofit Social Housing – Better Homes Improve Lives

Our homes are essential for a successful society. They provide shelter and a safe space from which all of us, individually (...)


Nottingham ready to beat Theresa May’s climate targets

As Theresa May signs into law a commitment to bring the UK’s carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, one city in the UK is (...)


Innovate Community Heating to relieve people from Fuel Poverty

Join us on Monday, 11th February 2019, 14.00h (UTC+0) / 15.00h (CET) to find out how innovation in Community Heating can (...)