

Can Enhanced Geothermal Systems be used as grid-scale batteries? Anywhere!

The US Department of Energy aims to cut the cost of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) by 90% by 2035. Standard geothermal (...)


#25 RESET, the standard for sustainable architecture in the tropics

Designed by and for tropical countries, the RESET standard is almost unique. Created in Costa Rica by the Instituto de Arquit (...)


41: What are the implications of a marginal cost of zero $ per mile?

In this episode, Oliver and Horace talk about cost-per-mile calculations for micromobility, and the implications of the recen (...)


DRIVE 0 project: offering efficient solutions concerning energy, materials and costs, within innovative consumer-centred circular renovation processes

DRIVE 0 project: offering efficient solutions concerning energy, materials and costs, within innovative consumer-centred (...)


How To Beat The Cost Of Green Construction

Eco-friendly construction is now being hailed as the future of the construction industry, but many developers are wary of (...)


The Transformative Benefits of Energy Productivity

More and more companies are realising the transformational benefits of setting an ambitious energy productivity goal. They (...)