
[MOOC] Smart grids for smart cities: towards zero emissions

  • Professional training
  • Categories/sub-categories : Energy efficiciency

  • Institution: Institute of Sustainable Energy
  • Duration (days) - Training places: 35 days -
  • Tax-exclusive price : 66 €
  • Available in intra : No / E-learning included : Yes

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Methodology and assessment: 

The MOOC “Smarts grids for smart cities: towards zero emissions” follows a case-based methodoly that combines theoretical content in the different dimensions and case studies to illustrate this content. This cases will be based upon interviews with professionals in each field treated along the course.

The assessment will be based on a case of a fictional city that the student will have to analyse and design a plan to improve, from a city council perspective, energy efficiency. The assessment will be peer reviewed. 


  • Interpret the new energy paradigm and reach a common knowledge to develop specific skills and strategies related to smart cities
  • Describe and understand a holistic perspective of energy related topics and other complex issues
  • Assess the complexity of energy systems and its transformation to a low carbon economy

Intended Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students will adopt more sustainable and efficient energy consumption habits, driven to reduce their carbon footprint by more than 30%.
  • Students will be capable of understanding and assessing energy production models and will become energy prosumers using basic tools to integrate themselves into the energy production cycle.
  • Students will be capable of analysing and designing a functioning smart grid at a nano and micro scale, as well as understanding the complexities and identifying the malfunctions of larger-scale smart grids.
  • Students will have the skills to point the sources of data at a micro level to develop a big data collection plan and understand the information derived from this data to use in the strategy they will consequently implement.
  • Students will be better informed to lobby their public institutions to build a better framework to boost innovation and sustainability in both urban and rural environments.


Dates / Places

Duration (days) : 35 days

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Author of the page

Pauline Vettier

Responsable Marketing & Communication