

ePLANET 5th press release

In the EU-funded project ePLANET, ten partners are working together to develop and promote new tools and strategies to enhanc (...)


ProGETonE webinar: pioneer's role of public authorities in holistic deep renovation

  We are very happy with the success of our cycle of webinars. Today we want to talk about our last webinar "Pioneers' role (...)


ProGETonE webinar - Barriers for broad development of deep renovation

  Which are the usual obstacles that need to be tackled to facilitate the broad deployment of deep renovation in the building (...)


X-tendo webinar series: EPC databases – how can they be used to increase the quality of energy performance certificates?

The Horizon project X-tendo launched its webinar series disclosing the developments of its innovative features and the resul (...)


RenOnBill Final conference: towards the future of on-bill and other innovative financing schemes for energy renovation of residential buildings

The RenOnBill final conference closes three years of achievement and results in the field of innovative financing schemes (...)


Better energy performance certificates through innovation: X-tendo presents the first implementation steps of its 10 features

  To fully unlock the potential and benefits of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), the existing certification regimes (...)
